Sunday, 3 August 2008

Phil "The Double" McNeil

"You will never find time for anything. If you want the time, you must make it".- Charles Buxton

I will take my hat off and kneel in awe. As today is te day the Phil "Doing the Double" McNeil became Phil "The Double" McNeil. Completing the task in under 34hrs. A 4.8 mile swim in 2:55. The 224 Mile Cycle in Just over 14hrs and finishing of with a double marathon. Well done Phil and in the words of Neil Gowans....."You're only a really triathlete when you have completed an Ironman" Now it is confirmed you are insane!

I was unfortunately detained in racing this weekend myself. After setting up the Gazebo and flags for the RAF tri guys early Friday morning. I helped with the setup of the course at the National relays which had started on Wednesday Morning. The event is a carnival of Triathlon with the serious to the sublime racing throughout the day at Holme Pier Point, Nottingham. I however was resting up for the showdown between fat Mike and me. However many of the RAF boys and girls did race and gave everything in a magnificent performance which had them in 5th place in the Mixed with Team Rachel, 6th with the open team and 51st with the Male team, who were narrowly beaten by Lincoln Tri. Next year boys we'll take them with team RAF Lincoln Tri.

Well now for Sundays race. On the start line also were Ady Shaw, Adam Grant, Ben Lonsdale, Di McCornnick, Ross Bailey, Myself and the "Super Heavy Weight" Fat Mike Westwell. A very inspiring start as the water was clear and clean and calm until the start when everyone was fighting for places. Taking the lead in the swim as usual I ploughed through the field and jumped on the feet of some of the faster front feet leaving everyone to eat my wake. During the four laps of the bike there was no sign of Westy or the others as I continued to storm up and down the tow path like a runaway train. It wasn't until about 500m into the run that the PA announced Westy behind me and chasing. Well it was then that I knew it was a matter of time till he caught me. I just managed to reach the final 1k when he popped up and passed me. Well not wanting to be rude I jumped into his shadow to hide from the wind and followed behind as he up'd the pace a few times and put 5m between us with 400 to go. Seeing an opportunity I thought I would push first but as we closed in on the finish he up'd sticks and went leaving me only a few seconds down at the finish. It now looks like all or nothing from me in Holland to restore some pride in this meteoric battle of the titans.

For all the results click the link in the racing calender. Results are also available now for the Nat relays.

A really good race and one I will be doing again next year if anyone fancies their chances on this fast flat course.


  1. Good race from you there Mike. You must be coming into shape for Almere. With your swimming prowess, you will be tens of minutes ahead of me out the water 8-(

  2. My mum works for Mencap where one of the Leeds United 1st Team players younger brothers is homed. I was given it to raise some money for a Forces/ RAF Charity.

    I have no idea which one really or how to do it.... any ideas!

  3. Is Vitruvian 09 moving to a Sunday? Their events have always been held on a Saturday before.
