Thursday, 31 July 2008

The Final Countdown

"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land! Peter Pan"

30 days to go! It feels as if time has been swallowed up since January when I first applied to be on the Long Course Team.

Last weekend I was in Wales at Bryn Bach Parc enjoying the excellent weather and the exciting competitions of the British Champs. Where I watched Tim Don finish 2nd Behind Will Clarke. Unfortunatelly no Ness Raw but Hollie Avil is looking hot hot hot!!! Afterwards I asked Tim what his plans were once he won in Beijing...."one step at a time" he replied. Which is the way I am now thinking. Sunday sees the big head to head between Westy and myself also racing are the Waddo boys Ben L and Granty as well as Ady Shaw. I shouldn't discount them as Ben has beaten me this year already. Time to see what I am made of and if the training is working well for me. I just hope the weather is good in the morning.
Training has been interrupted slightly by the return of the knee injury. It is however not as severe this time and with injury management I will be able to continue training and preparing it does however mean I will be back in with the Physio until the end of the month on a regular basis.

Despite this slight set back I have been hitting the Somerset hills hard on the bike Sunday and again Tuesday Morning. Sunday saw me do a 4:45 75-85% effort on the bike which at the end of it I was glad to just be of the bike and looking forward to something more substantive to eat. Monday was a short run of 35min below 5 min pace with a 10 min jog down. I was glad to be out running after the busy day shopping, but afterwards is started to feel the niggles and spending the next 2 hours sat in a cinema was probably not a good thing but I did need to spend time relaxing so it was a catch 22. Tuesday Morn I hit the hills again for a short 1hr set just in the zone. I was glad to finish as the rain lashed down making the roads greasy on the long descents. Wednesday 1hr of weights in the morning followed in the eve with a 1hr TT. 38Km later and I'm feeling confident about the bike and I know where the comfort zone is and what gear I need for it. How this translates on race day I will see.

Today I am planning to go for another short run on the treadmill in a minute before the 4k TT in the lake tonight. This will be my first session in over a week in the water and I am looking forward to smashing into that 1:05 i set earlier this year.

Finally....I now have the ultimate go faster bike rack. After smashing my carbon cage at Weymouth I gave it to my dad to have a look at and repair. Well now it is back and ready to race again. Slightly heavier than before but alot stronger. The ultimate go faster bit....well have a look at the new motives on the sides. I now have the only McLaren Mercedes Carbon Bottle Cage...Broom Brooom look out in transition.


  1. V cool bottle cage; does your Dad work there?

  2. I'm glad it's going well dude, I'm looking forward to racing again over the weekend. I fear you have nothing to worry about for now though, I've picked up a bug. On the other hand, I'm afraid Holly's all mine...
