Monday, 9 February 2009

What a Weekend......Thank you everyone

"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no resultMahatma Gandhi

On Friday afternoon, after sitting the exam I missed Thursday due to the weather. I travelled down to TCR passing through the weather storm on the empty roads and into Sandown Park, London. With an early start in the morning getting everything ready for Sunday Morning and the TCR 10k, it was not unusual to be out with the One Step Beyond Promotions team drinking until the early hours, well midnight then. Having got there later than planned and the early start after the late night training was going to be a no brainier this weekend. And possibly a well deserved rest after the intense weeks I have just conquered.

When I could on the Saturday I did pop in and catch up with old friends from the BTF, Boston and even a few of the tri service athletes that were down as well as many of the people and traders I have come to know through OSB. Catching quick chats with a few athletes and coaches has really picked me up again. It didn't matter how amny people asked me what are you doing or what are your plans I was happy to tell them and take there applause and gratefully receive the admiration. 2008 had been a really draining year for me and it is only now I realise how much.

After a long day of chatting and prepping for Sunday I had to disappear and get ready for the 220 awards 08. I was there with Pacesetters who all season I have worked with, officiated for and befriended over the years. I even had the privilege of being selected to officiate the 2008 Vitruvian. So being invited to the awards was truly amazing. Sitting near Olympians and medal winners the room was buzzing with anticipation. Well just before the dinner I received a phone call from Westy informing me I was the winner of the "Chairman's Choice" for RAF Tri. Standing in the corridor outside the toilets being told this was great, only thing was I happened to follow Holly Avil towards the ladies and get a strange look and still be on the phone when she came out, prompting a welcoming one as she remembered me at BBP last year.

As the evening continued and the awards were handed out the anticipation rose. Last year Pacesetters (Mark Shaw and Iain Hamilton) had come first and second in the 220 awards as well as repeating at the BTF awards. This year they failed to make the top 5 for the BTF. Could they loose the title here as well.

"Third Place......., Second Place........."a short pause "The National Relays and defending their title for a 2nd year The Vitruvian".

It's great standing side by side and chatting with all these winners, Chrissy, Holly, Allister and even Dr Tim Brabhams. The one thing none of them have is the RAF Tri Chairman's Choice Award and to be listed amongst Livesey, Goggin, Daulby, Gowans and Porter is truly an honour (they have also, with the exception of 1 all been RAF Champs, see you at Dambuster in June ;-0)

It's Monday night and after having the day off from training to rest and revise. I can look forward to tomorrows spinning session at lunch, the weights session and the long swim in the evening. (4k is only a paddle now). Back out running on Wednesday lunch for 14.5k@ 13.1 before a 3hr power revision session on the turbo that evening. With the weekend ahead of me, and being away with the GF I can see another relaxing one with no training. It's these days off that I really savour. 25 days until Clumber!

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