The lawnmower isn't broken but it reminds me that the grass does need cutting tonight before the tour highlights at 7.
Training is going really well and despite the tom foolery on the trampoline Sunday night I can report that my legs are feeling great and that the running pace has increased now to sub 4:30 for over an hour. I think that to push it anymore before the big one would be silly and unnecessary as on the day I will be running no faster than 5min pace. Swimming is still good and with another 4k TT planned next Thursday night I can safely say I think I might push it a little bit more before the Nottingham Sprint on Sunday. A few more long rides are planned before the bank holiday but nothing quite like what I've been doing I think now may be the time to start playing more on the TT and less on the roadie.
This Saturday sees me at Bryn Bach Parc for the 3rd of the British Grand Prix events. It will be a show case for all the Beijing Stars to go out and have a good luck party and post party race on the Saturday. I'm looking forward to it as it will be the first tie around such big names and stars and also working on a elite drafting event. Lets hope the weather holds out for us all. Nothing like a bit of sun burn!!! Who knows I might even get to meet the Lovely Ness Raw....Please, Pretty Please!
I'll leave you short today as I have very little more to report apart from the week of I will be enjoying next week. Still training but without the hassles of work and family. I just hope to make the most of it all.
She wasn't there dude. Looks like she has retired and taken up painting full time. Dream on.......