"I don't think jogging is healthy, especially morning jogging. If morning joggers knew how tempting they looked to morning motorists, they would stay home and do sit-ups." Rita Rudner
Sunday! Well the snow came and despite spending 3hours the previous afternoon cycling around Lincolnshire in -1 temps and a wind chill taking it lower I managed to brave to short drive and coach at the Lincoln Tri training day held at RAF Cranwell. A group of 20 including novices came along as well as the 10 or so Ironman competitors who were picking Si's (TTC) brain for next year.
The sessions were light which included bike set up. For me this has been have a go and tweak until you find a comfort zone and ride it. Well this could be my mistake over the years and tomorrow I plan to adjust the bike (after taking notes of current positions). Could I have been wasting time and energy over the past few years. I doubt it but you never know now really is the time to tweak and play. The pool session was fun having a group of 4 novices who were making roads in the pool at the Monday night sessions. We decided not to overload them too much and started working on turns and hydro-dynamics. It's great to see someone who is not confident in the water to start by the end of the session happily tumbling in a 100m set.
I returned to London and SFT to see Dawn and have session 2 on Monday. After spending the night at my dads in Woking I jumped on the train and headed in to the metropolis with all the other commuters. 10am and I am ready to swim! The past few months have felt great and despite not having a push I feel like I have a lot covered and that the rest of the year will be maintenance work. Oh how I was wrong.
Dropping elbows and sagging middle. Open fingers with poor rotation not to mention the strange circular kick I have now acquired. A disaster start really. I was glad when we came to the end, despite making the changes and improving during the session and the well done on catch improvements. I felt slightly deflated and like I had let Dawn down.
The rest of the week really meant catch up, with work, training and study. With 100 days to the beginning of next season at Fleet more work is required. Efforts must be doubled. Nothing will stand in the way of progress....so long as it doesn't conflict with Top Gear or Eastenders.
You got filming of your stroke Mike? You will still be minutes quicker in the water than me dude. I now have 4 DVDs of my progress. Another one to com 22 Dec. I may be a fish yet!