Sunday, 14 September 2008

Stapleford Duathlon, Newark

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever". Lance Armstrong

How fitting really to start this with a quote from the big man on the week he announced he was coming out of retirement. However who he rides for is still a mystery to me until the start of tour 2009. He can write his own paychecks with many of the teams but then he only associates with winners.

This week saw me back in training... in a loose sense really. Yesterday I started with a short OW swim and breakfast before spending the rest of the morning in breakfast with the Linclon Tri boys. This session has become the social event I always hoped to be invited too, strangely it seems everyone wants to come to my tea party's.

This mornings club championships at the Stapleford Duathlon was a wake up and shake up for me. Having spent the last two weeks vegetating and recovering I thought I would go along and blast away the cobwebs. The whole event had been hyped up and was even on local radio not bad for a club event and the whole thing really spiralled after the National Relays when Lincoln just beat the RAF boys in the afternoon wave. Well as you can expect on the start the banter was in free flow with much finger pointing. I just hate duathlons. I can't run, I can't cycle and don't get me started on my running again. With a 3k/13k/3k format it was straight forward and going to be a quick event. Not bad for a £1 and a 10am start. Lining up along side some fast boys and Lonsy, Granty, and Doug M was new blood in the form of Jen. We looked good and once the gun had gone of and everyone had overcome the bottle neck we were sprinting away down this woodland track at a very fast pace. I don't know why but I just had to stay close as I could make it on the bike but knew the second leg would be decisive. With Ben and Granty up front and Doug keeping me in contact I knew the race was going to be close between the Wheelers, Striders and Tri teams especially once Lonsy had pulled out with a problem.

Taking a lei surly T1 I followed the pack and slowly gained on them, with nothing in the legs and the iron lung struggling I spun away gaining road by the mile. Catching Both Doug and Granty by half way. However the front of the pack also dropped back and could be seen just in front as T2 loomed. With a quicker transition I was hot on the heels of the wheelers who had used everything to put themselves in contention. Finishing just in front of Granty and Doug we needed Jen to finish with a comfortable gap in the female field to take to top slot. well she did it and in style all I can say is it was fantastic to be at such a friendly well organised event and I intend to continue doing more with the Lincoln club.

Unfortunately due to work commitments tomorrow I can not make the coaching session. I really enjoy this time as I have made great progress already with Granty and Ben in two weeks and with Doug and Sam Stewart we have a direction to move in. These are going to be good ones to watch next year in the sprint series as well as Ady and the Coningsby boys/ girls.

RAF Lincolnshire is going to kick some Ass!!


  1. I love your unflinching confidence.

  2. Thats because I know the BWH combo has little time left to run and there is realy only 4 stations to step in.

    3 are Lincs based!

  3. Ah, don't be too hasty about Bra/Wyt/Hen dude! We still have Nige porter. Also Paul Fullalove is improving rapidly.....4th man? Mmmmmm

    And if that pic wins an award you will so never hear the end of it!

  4. Thats is all well and good but they are just a few in the crowd. With the new format coming in for Cranwell my money is on the Girls winning the team prize.

    By the way when are you all due to be posted....soon by my calculations

  5. I think you'll find that RAF Oxfordshire will be leading the way next year.

    I also have to disagree with Lance. Sometimes quitting only lasts until the next alcohol-induced coma. And pain can last a looong time.
