Sunday, 15 June 2008

A quick thank you!

Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness.

Joseph Addison, The Spectator, July 12, 1711

I spend a lot of my weekends volunteering for triathlon events than competing at them, and a lot of people are quick to comment that I am spending to much time volunteering and not racing. They do not know the secret! I started refereeing in 2005 when I was recovering from a knee injury and used it to keep me motivated and focused during those dark months of solitude in the gym on the bike. I continued to do in 2006 during the IM prep and found that after every event I refereed I was more motivated to train for the IM. Well who wants to go out on the bike in the wind and rain anyway let alone for 6 hrs training.

In 2007 I passed my level 2 when I moved down to the Lincs area to live. It was there that I was introduced to a group of individuals who shared the same passion for the sport as me. These are the One Step Beyond Promotions team who also work on Pacesetter Events etc. I returned to IMUK in Aug 07 to help out as a thank you to all those marhshalls who got me through that gruelling event. It was here that I bonded more friendships with like minded individuals. From that moment on it has become an obsession and in November 07 I agreed to refereeing and Marshall all the OSB events.

Today I stood around in transition refereeing my first senior event and despite being nervous and DQ a handful of people for attitude failures I felt great. I know that I am putting back everything that I draw on in a competition as well as drawing on the emotion of race day to keep me motivated for the next big session. So the next time you race and someone gives you encouragement just remember they are the real endurance athletes you are just a sprinter!

What made today more spectacular was watching all the RAF athletes performing so well and showing that they are all coming into contention just in time for the DB next weekend.

I even managed in between the showers yesterday to take the new toy for a 4hr spin, wow what a machine.......and the bike is good too. I'm of now for a short session of 40min running.

1 comment:

  1. You do a top job dude. We need to keep our feet on the ground and enjoy ourselves. I would love to volunteer but I can't commit the time, with family responsibilities always pulling me 6 different ways! i would love to race some of the big civilian events too but family gives enough at the moment! keep doing what you are doing!
