Thursday, 2 October 2008

Hot, Hot, Hot!

"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run. I like to make people stop and say, "I've never seen anyone run like that before." It's more then just a race, it's a style. It's doing something better then anyone else. It's being creative."

Well the temperature is soaring and the miles are mounting up. I've now been in the pool twice since Dawns session at swim for tri. The drills (puppy and doggy) are hard to master and I feel myself just relaxing back into my old ways. It's hard breaking down the stroke to work on these aspects, I am finding an improvement everytime I swim though. Looking back this session was worth it and already I am looking forward to the next one in November. The video is worth watching as well and I hope to have it up loaded soon.

The running out here is either first thing in the morning when the temperature is low and the reflective bearable or inside the aircon gym on the treadmill. I hate having to run on the mill but when its as hot as it is there is no going outside. I can't wait for the long weekend (friday-monday) as I have the chance to do loads of training without worrying about work and with nights looming next week I can do so much more in the pool and on the track.

This next week of training will have me working in the weights bay adding bulk back to my legs. I have noticed the imbalance that has grown between them and realise that I have neglected my remedial exercises over the past 6 months. I need to bulk up a little as the winters are cold and the wind goes straight through you when you are slender. I just can't decide what weight I should aim to be. Already topping 80 after a week out here will I ever stop!


  1. 80! Dude, you need to be lean and mean to run with the swift guys! Still, all that blubber should help you get a nice position in the water - not that you need extra swim speed! Run Forest run!

  2. I was only running faster at 75 and I can hit that weight anytime I stop drinking coke and eating snacks.

    The swimming is going great though already I can feel for thye water and without any real effort move forward alot quicker...but only for about 400m then it just goes

    Hows your training going
