"For myself, losing is not coming second. It's getting out of the water knowing you could have done better. For myself, I have won every race I've been in".
Ian Thorpe
It's currently 2:30am and I have been on the go since 5am yesterday. Why am i still up and not sleeping I hear you ask? Well I'm settling in to a new sleeping pattern. In a few hours I retrace my steps to London only 24hrs after visiting Dawn and jet of to lands far far away.
Todays session was great. Endless pool and coached, I have come away with a lot of pointers and corrections and a lot of things that are good about my stroke. Good head and body position, high elbow, hand entry and extension, timing and kicking. The pointers are mostly cosmetic....fingers and breathing and a little work on catch which means I should be able to squeeze a few more seconds out. The dvd is great and I have already looked and noticed everything mentioned as well as a few other bits and pieces. This is a great training aid for me as it is the first time I have really had one 2 one feedback on my swimming with a follow up session now planned in November. This will now be incorporated in the training plan for next year and something I must improve on as it is free money!
With nothing now planned until the weekend I bid you all a bon voyage!
Where you off to?
ReplyDeleteI hve just arrived at China Lake, California.
ReplyDeleteWeather is currently sittting comfortably at the 100 mark. The drink is flowing and so is the food.
Currently weighing in at 75kg
Lots of MTB/ training planned for the next 5/6 weeks
Tough det then?